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Beautiful Liar

This is the first book by Louise Mullins that i've read. the first thing i thought was "How? How could i have possibly missed her before???" So, in saying that, i am already eagerly awaiting her next release.

In coming back to Beautiful Liar, i really like the fact it started at the end. It starts with an accident. (An accident?) Joel, trapped under the car he's working on when the jack fails. Thus pinning him down. His final thoughts as he draws his last breath, it's all down to HER, Erica. How dare she do this? She will always be his, she'll never escape him. It's HER fault.

Confused? You won't be once you realise this book is a psychological thriller dealing with the highly emotive subject of domestic abuse.

It is told in chapters that alternate between Joel and Erica, past and present.

Joel is everything Erica is looking for in a man. Or at least, that is the image he likes to project. In truth, he is a vile, disgusting control freak, who lacks any emotional depth, sympathy or empathy. A man who has no regard or respect for any woman. Right from the start the signs are there for us to see.

The stark house with no heart. The set ups and manipulation to get what he wants, his own way. Honestly, there is no redeeming features regarding Joel.

Erica. A beautiful, intelligent woman with a job she is good at and likes. A friendly, approachable person with a great sense of humour, honest and loyal. A special friendship with Rose, her flatmate.

So how has she come to be in the position she is now? After years of hell she has suffered at the hands of Joel, she is telling the police how good he was. A loving husband and father. Portraying him in the best possible way to those investigating his death.

This story gives us a look into the dark subject of domestic violence and abuse. How easy it is to start. A look, a comment. Things that escalate as time goes by. How it completely changes a person and disrupts their whole life.


i did enjoy this book, it was at times an uncomfortable read (which goes to show just how well written it is, to provoke these emotions in me)

Before you knew what was happening, a disturbing story unfolds before you, Chapter by chapter, a little bit more.

The author has a way of pulling you in until you, the reader, is hooked. Unable to put it down as you think one more, just one more page.

Upon finishing this book, i felt strongly satisfied that justice had been done. Perhaps i shouldn't say that, but it's how i felt. I also felt hope. Hope that Erica and Lily (Erica's daughter) would be able to have a normal life. Move on and allow them to breathe. And that Erica and Roses' friendship would be stronger than ever. I would absolutely recommend this book. It's not an easy read, but definitely a must read. Some of the best stories are ones that make you challenge yourself!

A blinding 5* read.

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